Efficiency Unleashed: How Albert Jagger Improved MIS Conversions Operations with Safe Assist

By Albert Jagger
schedule12th Oct 23

Albert Jagger have recently completed the successful integration of Safe Assist, a trailer ramp system, on a beavertail vehicle at MIS Conversions, a leading fleet conversion specialist in the UK.

Offering a range of services from vehicle design and build to custom conversions for various vehicle types, MIS Conversions are a trusted name in the UK’s fleet conversion industry. With 88,000 square foot of production space, the conversion specialists have established themselves as leaders in the field, renowned for their commitment to quality and adherence to industry standards, including VCA guidelines and ISO 9001 certification.

One of the vehicle types they excel in converting, is the Beavertail vehicle. Finding applications in multiple industries, Beavertails are versatile with their unique design allowing for easy loading and unloading of vehicles and equipment.

Operating the rear platform loading ramp is essential to the functionality of the vehicle but poses difficulties due to weight and physical strain required to open and close them. To address these challenges and improve the efficiency and safety of the vehicle, MIS sought an innovative solution from Albert Jagger.

Safe Assist is an innovative, patent pending, trailer ramp system revolutionising the industry.

  • Reduced Weight – Uniformed weight distribution eliminates the physical strain of opening and closing ramp doors, making them easier to raise and lower, enhancing stability.
  • Enhanced Safety – A fully concealed design, eliminating the need for dangerous cables and torsion springs that can snap or create tripping hazards, reducing accidents and injuries.
  • Corrosion Resistance – Utilising an aluminium exterior ensures corrosion resistance, extending the systems lifespan.
    Reduced Downtime – Removes the need for ramp door repairs.

On the road to excellence

The successful integration of Safe Assist was a collaborative effort between Albert Jagger and MIS Conversions, from assessment through to installation. The project not only improved the efficiency and safety of beavertail vehicles but also reinforced the commitment of both companies to providing quality solutions to the transport industry.

Safe Assist is paving the way for a safer and more efficient future in the trailer industry.  For more information on how it can benefit your trailer operations, get in touch today. You can fill out the enquiry form on our contact page, or call us on 01922 471 000, or email at [email protected].

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